Silkworms, like any other track, pass through four basic phases of development: egg, larva, pupa or pupa and butterfly. Egg: The eggs are between 1 and 1.5 mm long. His skin is a membrane of chitinous material, ranging from the yellow clear the slate gray and finally to a purplish or greenish. Unfertilized eggs can be distinguished immediately by maintaining amarillenta.Los color eggs do not hatch after release till the following spring, the incubation of these take about 15 days or so, even in cold climates hatching does not occur until you have done the invierno.Al out of it, the worms come out of it, they normally do in spring but always depending on the temperature. This mechanism allows them to mature at the same time as the mulberry leaves to feed when the leaves are at their best.
One piece of advice I give to those who finish early winter or in their homes is temperature stable like mine that every year there are 20 º C to 25 º C is that in late November or early December metais eggs wing bar in vegetable area and cast them when you see buds of mulberry because otherwise you will come out soon and you will have no food to give. Worm: worms consist of the following cycle: Cycle biological 30 or 40 days. * stage = dumb.
Day / / / Duration in days
0 / / / 7 Birth of larvae and early state 1 º
7 / / / 1 Sleep and first molt
8 / / / 5Estadio 2 º
13 / / / 1 Sleep and second molt
14 / / / 6-7 Stage 3 º
20 / / / 1 Sleep and third molt
21 / / / 6 Estadio 4º
27 2 Sueño y cuarta muda de piel
29 /// 8-12 Estadio 5º
37-42 /// 3 Inicio de capullaje
40-45 / / / capullaje Weekend
* approximate temperature according hambientes,
Process Info:
The larva uses the starch in mulberry leaves consumed, transformed into dextrin by metabolism to produce the silk. The apparatus for this purpose is composed of two glands located below the digestive tract, whose pipes will give the row located in the eleventh ring. The material, the liquid inside the body, it solidifies in contact with air. Turning on itself, your body produces about one oval shell formed by a single thread up to 900 meters long. The process took him four days. Complete emptying of the silk glands encourages pupation, which lasts about twenty days in normal conditions. After this, a new butterfly emerges.
Sometimes and for various reasons (poor or inadequate food, genetic defects, adverse external conditions ...) worms fail to create its cocoon and must make the metamorphosis discovered which, while decreasing their chance of survival, not an impediment to the normal end of their life cycle.
butterflies: butterflies
out of the cocoon created an worms, they do not need to feed on anything so quiet, its mission is simply out of the cocoon with a butterfly mating male put eggs and die, all this is done in about 7 days or less.
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