from China, is the only fully insect
domesticated there. According to tradition
China, silk was discovered in 2640
According to legend, Huang Ti Xi asked his wife to find out what was Lingshi ending mulberry plants. The woman found them
worms produced cocoons
bright white. Accidentally dropping a cocoon in warm water
, Xi Lingshi warned that it could break it down into a fine filament and roll it into a
reel. She had discovered silk, well kept secret that saved
the Chinese during the next 2000 years. Imperial law decreed that
anyone who would reveal
tortured to death.
rearing of silkworms for the production of
silk is called sericulture. Mulberry leaves are the food for his short life and gives them the
starch converted into a strand, which can reach 1 500 m
length in each cocoon. However,
130 milligrams of silk so that every meter, become milligram
prove to be extremely expensive in money and effort.
Silkworms are raised in the spring when the eggs of the season
above, that have been stored in a cool, incubated as soon as
sprout leaves of mulberry trees. For a few weeks of intense activity. The worms eat leaves
continually reaching 10,000 times their weight increase.
The first emperors ordered the spread of this activity and often
issue decrees and orders to protect and to remind the court of their obligations and
attention to sericulture. For many years, the Chinese managed to keep the secret of
silk production through measures which are highly drastic, applied to death penalty
anyone who dared to remove from its territory eggs, worms or butterflies of
When the Roman Emperor Justinian (483 - 565 AD
) had the idea of \u200b\u200bsending monks to preach
Christianity from the east, in the year 550 AD
knew the procedures for raising the
worm and silk production. The monks introduced
mulberry seeds and silkworm eggs in
hollow bamboo canes, thus achieving
circumvent surveillance for this species and bring it to the U.S.. Greece sericulture spread
the countries of Asia and North Africa, and later reached Europe, where Italy, France and Spain, did very well, and who are recognized, to date, the fineness of their silks.
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