Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Does Tom Delonge's Tattoos Mean


was talking to emily (my BFF)

me: Ola Emily

Emily: Ola thousands ztaz how?

I: Bn i

Emily: Bn aburridazaa aka ....

this ez photo emily and me talking:

I: Emily

Emily k

I: Eia no Demz ez

Emily: Zi, we have a problem

I: K

Emily: if Demi K the Sely see the Ash-tarantula group will be sad

I: Zi

Sely Ash-tarantula was with his group i vath away

ezta ez demi get the picture:

Sely: nessa and linds ashy
ahley, vanessa and lindsay: K kreo ka worst iegado
all: K
Sely: Demi Ai
ATZ ahley: Ash k zolo zi ez azuztaz you a girl Not wing mode (no wing fashion)
Sely: tienez reason ashy
fuimoz I i emily deternelaz running
emily went ash-tarantula i don their little group i I where Demz!
emily: Chikas vayanze of aki eske no Zaben
todaz: no
emily: ezta area laz ez popularez not
todaz: O my Gad!
todaz k azi ze ran an ice him thousands
zena demi: Emily Milez eia ez not

then I Part II mstraremos


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