Tuesday, September 29, 2009

3 Digit Lock Suitcase

A prize of us!

This is an award created by us, the rules are:

a) Answer the questions

b) give this award to other 10 blogs that you like


Why a blog?

If you had to choose from hannah montana or wizards of place Warvely which would you choose?

blog What do you like most?

What they wanted to do the blog before?

What was the first blog to start reading?

Would you like to change your name? "For what?

If you could be in a Disney show, what would it be?

What would make your brother / sister / more to not bother you?

If you had the chance to go to a concert in the front row, which one would you go?

Well, here are my winners and


1. Cande, The Journal of Selye: h ttp: / / eldiariodesely.blogspot.com

2. Gianella & Michelle, Demi's Diary: http://eldiariodediamond.blogspot.com

3. Jonatica-Agus, demi, this is my day! : http://eldiariodedemii.blogspot.com

4. JAMG, The Diary of JAMG: http://thediaryofjamg.blogspot.com

5. Jazzy, vanessa's diary: h ttp: / / thediaryofvanessa.blogspot.co m

6. Cande, Lourdes and Rochon, super girls! : http://supergirlssdm.blogspot.com

7. Selena Marie Selena Perfect-Journal: http://selena-perfect.blogspot.com

8. RockStar, rockstar diary: http://rockstardiario.blogspot.com

9. Liz, My diary: http://my-secrets-lz.blogspot.com/

10. Jemi, the Jemi love story: http://thejemilovestory.blogspot.com

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Does Tom Delonge's Tattoos Mean


was talking to emily (my BFF)

me: Ola Emily

Emily: Ola thousands ztaz how?

I: Bn i

Emily: Bn aburridazaa aka ....

this ez photo emily and me talking:

I: Emily

Emily k

I: Eia no Demz ez

Emily: Zi, we have a problem

I: K

Emily: if Demi K the Sely see the Ash-tarantula group will be sad

I: Zi

Sely Ash-tarantula was with his group i vath away

ezta ez demi get the picture:

Sely: nessa and linds ashy
ahley, vanessa and lindsay: K kreo ka worst iegado
all: K
Sely: Demi Ai
ATZ ahley: Ash k zolo zi ez azuztaz you a girl Not wing mode (no wing fashion)
Sely: tienez reason ashy
fuimoz I i emily deternelaz running
emily went ash-tarantula i don their little group i I where Demz!
emily: Chikas vayanze of aki eske no Zaben
todaz: no
emily: ezta area laz ez popularez not
todaz: O my Gad!
todaz k azi ze ran an ice him thousands
zena demi: Emily Milez eia ez not

then I Part II mstraremos

Monday, September 21, 2009

Movie Theatre Bedroom

you move? Part II

Demi mom: Daughter we ia

nick was the fourth of demi

saw demi sad in her room this is the picture:

nick : Demi k ia mama says we have k

demi : Ok
ia I

demi came out and climbed looking if i ztaba Sely
all: goodbye Demi
demi ztaba looking

mom Demi : ijos
them like

nick and demi : If breast

demi ztaba in pta

nick: Sr. pk ztaz so

demi: pk no kiere ia Sely be my friend

nick: ok for ....

Then I will show the 3 part

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tom Delonge Rabbittattoo

you move?

was 1 hour out class to go home

I: wave Selye, modems and wave wave nicol

Sely: ola thousands

demi: ola thousands

I: ay ai girls ash-tarantula comes with vanessa

all: ash

this is the photo came cdo:

ashley and vanessa : hi! pobrezuñas

all: pdon!

ashley: better shut up

ashley: there are demi losiento pk you move and you
kole Kambia of
demi: ashley!

ashley: shut

vanessa, if not shut up long fair hearing orrible voice your

demi: leave me alone

Sely: demi shh!

Sely: demi pdistes not say how

demi: are you looking pense k iva a damage

me: demi io k I tell you

demi: what it is k pense k iva bother

this is the kara of Sely telling Demi:

Sely: me if you had told me not bothered ubiera
Sely: k forget you know k once were friends ....
of Part II then I'll give

How Many Calories In A Chicken Curry

show will finish my house?

The Best Of Zoophilia

show will finish my house?

already had shown them my house

This is the kitchen:

This is the dining room:

This is the living room (part of)

This is me at my parents' room: ( hehe, sometimes I like to jump on their chairs and in bed lol)
This is my room:

This is my walkin closet:

this is the room of my sister

and this is the pool: