Registration: $ 10.00
Includes shirt Event snacks and compete in scoring or top rope. "
Categories: Men
"Leading" 5.11a 5.11c Advanced, Intermediate 5.9 +, Beginners 5.7 (top rope)
Leading Ladies 5.9, 5.7 Top rope
4 minutes
Rules Route, Skip sheet, immediate disqualification. Wins do less time or less falls. Time begins to play rock.
Registration from 8:30 am to 11:30 am, Competition starts at 1:00 pm
During the morning until 12:30 pm, time to learn and heat on other routes (22 routes from 5.6 to 5.11c) share with others climbers and remember to bring your group of friends to start in this great sport.
You bring: Your
climbing equipment. Beach chair. Lunch and your favorite beverage. House. Casco. Headlamp, to visit the cave (knee or Mahon, admission is crawling) First aid. Desire to have fun.
Competition Order:
1:00 pm Ladies and beginners "top rope"
2:00 pm Ladies "leading" and 3:00 pm Advanced Intermediate
If the categories just before the next begins in 5 minutes. To get the shirt in your size, please pre-register this link, by Wednesday July 9.
can pay with Paypal, Visa, MC or Amex. If you prefer to pay cash on Sunday, choose the option that says "Cash" at the end of registration.
What is collected on enrollment in each category, divided by 60% for the former and 40% for the second.
For more info, communicate with me, Jorge Lopez at 787-449-7002 or
ramblabikepr@yahoo.com or Web: Adventurers South
A photographer and videographer, we have places top, we climb comfortably, so you have a better view. " Reach
early or make car pool because parking is limited.
Flickr Creative Commons Contributor: hannibal_lecter