Schedule: May and June MEMBERS ONLY: Protect the Leatherback in Culebra Friday 2 and Saturday May 3
From March to June the Leatherback leave their marine environment to spawn on the beach birthplace. This turtle is endangered and will be volunteers to monitor beaches Brava and Resaca. If we're lucky, we will see a turtle nest. Camp in the most beautiful beach in the world. Meeting: Friday 6:00 pm Departure: 8:00 a.m. Sunday, 4 Level: Hard. One hour walking on slippery surfaces and steep. During the surveillance does not sleep much. Cost: $ 20.00 per booth. (Call Natural Resources). * Bring boots, 2 flashlights and extra batteries, everything needed for camping 2 days. Contact: Linda 787-447-6677 Commander (I have a meeting to explain the details) (Reservation Required)
Emergency Management Training 3 Sunday, May 4
The third phase of this program offered by the State Agency for Emergency Management. The purpose is to prepare and train people to handle emergencies as rescue teams arrive. Requirements: Knowledge of the use of rope and knots learned in the first and second phase. Contact: James Acevedo 787-983-4974
Niñ @ sy Their Parents: A Forest Cambalache Explore! Sunday, May 4
Walk Cambalache State Forest addressed the babysitter s of 4-12 years. Discover the jewels of the northern forest: fossils, trees, butterflies, birds, spiders and insects. Meeting: 9:30 AM Return: 1:30 PM Level: Easy Where: Parking Cambalache Forest. The forest is in the PR-682. Is the output 63 of the PR-22. After leaving the Express, there are signs that point to Job Corps / Forest Cambalache. Bring *: Lupa, binoculars. Contact: Javier Biaggi, 787-880-1063 (cell 787-371-1709)
Pico El Toro Saturday, May 10
visit and walk to El Yunque National Forest with a Forest Service official guide. Enjoy the biodiversity, flora, fauna and environmental fellowship. Meeting: 9:30 am Return: 3:00 pm Level: Hard to Bring *: $ 5 for the guide, swimsuit, snack. Contact: James Acevedo 787-292-6782/787-983-4974
De Forest Day in San Patricio Saturday, 17 May Walk with us
forest trails San Patricio. Discover the great environmental value of the urban forest accompanied by Melissa Miller, forest management. Also known about the history of the forest and the struggle associated with the conservation community through Javier Almeyda, coordinator of Citizens Pro Bosque San Patricio. Meeting: 8:30 am Return: 12:00 PM Level: Easy. * Bring: binoculars, flashlight $ 2.00 for the forest Contact: Evalexa I. Tomei 787-635-6222 (after 7pm) (Reservation required.)
Camping and Bohemia in Seven Seas, Fajardo Saturday, May 17
A night of camaraderie Environmental and music in the beautiful beach of Seven Seas. We camped on the lawn from the beach Meeting: Saturday before 7:00 pm Beach 7 Seas Fajardo. Departure: Sunday before 7:00 pm Level: Easy to Bring: Booth, cooler, all you need to spend a night under the stars, musical instruments, inspiration, poetry, and song. We guitarist. Cost: per house for 2 nights $ 20.00 and $ 5.00 per person music. Contact: Linda Commander 787-447-6677, or Joseph A. Menendez 787-725-1898, 787-447-6677 day of the tour. (Reservation required)
Historical Arecibo Sunday, May 18 Meet
history and stories of the third town of Puerto Rico. Its urban fabric is unique in Puerto Rico. See and hear the details of the defense of Arecibo by Captain Correa. Tour led by the president of the Historical Society of Arecibo. Meeting: 10:00 am Return: 12:00 pm Level: Easy. Bring: See below. Contact: Javier Biaggi, 787-880-1063 (cell 787-371-1709)
The Past and Future: The Fight Community Cataño TALK: Wednesday, May 21
Ms. Rosa Hilda Ramos leader of the United Communities Against Pollution (CUCCO), will discuss the history of Cataño and even where the community is headed. Describe the strategies used to change the course of one Cataño most polluted cities in a cradle of butterflies and an arts center. Ms. Ramos will discuss the strategies that work and do not work in community struggles. 6:00 pm, Room 103, School of Architecture UPR RRP
El Bosque Seco and La Ballena Saturday, May 24
walk approx. 7km by a coastal path. Observe the adaptation of vegetation to dry, salt and limestone substrate that causes the development of an elfin forest. The variety of birds will be easy to observe due to the low canopy height. Meeting: 2:00 pm Return: 6:30 pm Level: Moderate / Difficult * Bring: Boots, long pants, lots of water, bathing suit, binoculars, coolers for the beach. Contact: Joseph A. Menendez 787-725-1898 (day of tour 787-319-6629)
from beginning to end - Cabo Rojo Sunday, May 25
A kayak tour through the different beaches Cabo Rojo. Try to go on different excursions along the coast of Cabo Rojo from north to south and see how the man and his development has impacted our coast and beaches. You must have experience with the kayak in open water. Meeting: 7:30 am Return: 4:00 pm Level: Hard to Bring *: Kayak with all the equipment, change of clothes, Swimsuit, $ for lunch. Contact: José Luis Rodríguez 787-787-9977 (787-415-7154 Day tour) Green Therapy
El Yunque
Sunday, May 25
On this walk on the Rio Fajardo, with the oncologist Marcial Vega, learn to walk in nature. Continue upstream towards the Sierra de Luquillo. Always walk along the river and learn to eliminate stress and physical discomfort using nature. Natural food and refreshing lunch. Meeting: 9:00 am Return: 3:00 PM Level: Very difficult to Bring: Bathing suit, comfortable shoes that can get wet and not slip, change of clothes, towel. Cost: $ 20 to send in advance (includes lunch), $ 2 donation to the Sierra Club (suggested) Note: You must know how to swim. There will be massage option after the hike to $ 1 per minute. Contact: 787-598-0384 Victor Marcial Vega
Night in El Bosque San Patricio Wednesday, May 28
Discover the rich fauna del Bosque San Patricio night from dusk. Accompanied by Albert Bridge (amphibians and reptiles expert) and Melissa Miller (management official) will explore the trails of this beautiful urban forest, at night. Meeting: 5:00 pm Return: 10:00 pm Level: Easy. Bring: Water, binoculars, flashlight $ 2.00 for the forest Contact: Evalexa I. Tomei 787-635-6222 (after 7pm), (Reservation required)
Leadership Training Tours - San Juan Saturday May 31 and Sunday June 1
All tours are led by volunteers and nature lovers like you. Learn how to lead a trip to remember. For $ 75.00 you will receive: first aid certification, CPR, leadership tours, membership to the Sierra Club, Sierra magazine subscription and a backpack. $ 50.00 for members or people already certified in first aid. Your commitment is to provide a tour and repeated four times a year and you will have the full support of our veteran leaders. Location: UPR, Rio Piedras Contact: Joseph A. 787-725-1898/787-319-6629 Menéndez
MEMBERS ONLY: The Quebradillas Atlantea Sunday, June 1 Presentation
Atlantea Butterfly Tulita. Know Atlantea Quebradillas and their habitat. Limit: 15 people. Meeting: 10:00 am Return: 2:30 pm Level: Easy. Bring: See below Contact: Javier Biaggi, 787-880-1063 (Cel 787-371-1709)
Kayaking Cayo Algodones Saturday, June 7 in Traverse
kayak to Cayo Algodones, a small island of white sands done we can swim and practice snorkeling or exploring. We end up doing a tour of the mangrove channels of the former Roosevelt Roads naval base. Discharge occurs in a tertiary water treatment plant, so that the waters are very fertile area and attract lots of marine life. There will be kayak rentals. Meeting: 8:00 am Return: 2:00 pm Level: Moderate / Difficult * Bring: Snack, eye Contact: 787-605-6952 Alberto Perdomo
Green Classroom: Urban Butterfly Sunday, August June Hall = Hall
. Learning without walls. In the metropolitan area can enjoy a beautiful butterfly without having to leave Puerto Rico. We will explain the concept of this project may see many species of butterflies and learn about plants that allow you to enjoy. Meeting: 1:00 pm Return: 5:00 pm Level: Easy to Bring: $ 10 ($ 7 to enter and $ 3 donation to Sierra Club), camera, walking shoes, small snacks Contact: Linda Commander 787 -
Farallones Steep and Cabezas de San Juan Sunday, June 8
Walk along the coast of the Cabezas de San Juan. Walk through steep cliffs and we will see breathtaking views. We will give back to this beautiful reserve. This adventure takes about 5 hours. Meeting: 8:30 AM Return: 3:00 PM Level: * Difficult to Bring: Boots, snacks, camera, swimsuit, change of clothes, $ for lunch. Cost: $ 4.00 for parking. Contact: Ivan Purcell 787.616.7543 (Reservation required)
Futures Nature Photographers Saturday, June 14
All participating children will enjoy a talk on how to take pictures. Then we will be exploring the forest and taking pictures that are posted on the photo page of the Sierra Club. Meeting: 10:00 am Return: 2:00 pm Level: Easy Bring: Digital camera, comfortable clothing, hiking shoes, water and snacks. Contact: 787-510-8574 Nauchaly
Acre Castro
Continuing Exploration Roosevelt Road Saturday, June 14
The former naval base operations ended in March 2004. This closure has had a negative impact on the economy of the town of Ceiba. The facilities consist of 8.638 acres of land and a number of facilities. In coordination with APRODEC and the Portal of the Future will visit various places of interest. Meeting: 8:30 am Return: 2:00 pm Level: Easy to Bring: $ 5 for transportation, water, snack and $ for lunch Contact: Iraida Rivera 787-236-8812 Madera
Emergency Management Training 4 Sunday, June 15
The fourth phase of this program offered by the State Agency for Emergency Management. The purpose is to prepare and train people to handle emergencies as rescue teams arrive. Requirements: Knowledge of the use of rope and knots learned in the first, second and third phase. Contact: James Acevedo 787-983-4974
Underworld: Myths and Realities TALK: Wednesday, June 18
An audio visual presentation by the espeólogo Gustavo Rodriguez, who will explain the details of the caves in his talk our Underworld: Myths and Realities. This talk is open to the public is required to participate in the tour de Cuevas The Cabachuelas. There include the cost of the trip, $ 20.
6:00 pm, Room 103, School of Architecture UPR RRP
Ballroom Dancing: The Cabachuelas Cuevas Saturday, June 21
visit 3 rooms Cabachuelas Cuevas system in the municipality of Morovis. Difference between caves and caverns, see petroglyphs and identify wildlife. The rooms can accommodate a huge ballroom. Identify plants and birds. Meeting: 8:00 am Return: 3:00 pm Level: Difficult. Walk-45 minutes total. There are areas of mud and slippery moments of total darkness. Cost: $ 20 Bring: * boots are recommended. Helmet is required, can be rented for $ 2.00, 2 flashlights and extra batteries, a light lunch and snacks to share. Contact: Linda 787-447-6677 or Elica Commander Machin. (Must attend the talk "Myths and Realities" to participate in the excursion.)
De Forest Day in San Patricio Saturday, June 21 Walk with us
forest trails San Patricio. Discover the great environmental value of the urban forest accompanied by Melisa Millán, forest management. Also known about the history of the forest and the struggle associated with the conservation community through Javier Almeyda, coordinator of Citizens Pro Bosque San Patricio. Meeting: 8:30 am Return: 12:00 pm Level: Easy. * Bring: Binoculars, flashlight $ 2.00 for the forest Contact: Evalexa I. Tomei 787-635-6222 (after 7pm), (Reservation required)
Ponce Knowing Sunday, June 22
Come to know a little of why the pride of Ponce. Visit several museums that will give you an idea of \u200b\u200bits history and development. Such as the Museum of the History of Ponce, Plaza Las Delicias Parque de Bomba y Catedral, El Vigía, Castillo Serrallés y Jardín Chino (Opcional). La Guancha, para comer unos piscolabis frente al mar. Encuentro: 8:00 a.m. Regreso: a las 5:00 p.m. Costo: $15.00. Nivel: Fácil Traer*: ropa fresca y zapatos cómodos, dinero para la comida. Contacto: Esperanza Soto (787) 432-3387
Isla Caja de Muertos Sábado, 28 de junio
Lugar de descanso del amor de un pirata. Localizada a menos de 6 millas de las playas de Ponce, bañada por las aguas del Mar Caribe, la isla Caja de Muertos es una de las joyas de las reservas de Puerto Rico. Nos trasladaremos en lancha (costo $20.00 por persona) y pasaremos the day exploring and swimming in their beautiful beach. Meeting: 8.00 am Return: 5:00 pm Level: Moderate * Bring: Swimwear, coolers with snacks, lunch, snorkeling, binoculars, camera, towel, change of clothes. Contact: Joseph A. Menendez 787-725-1898 (day of tour 787-319-6629)
Re-certification First Aid and CPR for leaders Sunday, June 29
will notify those already they won the first-aid certification and CPR. This certification is required to lead tours! The chapter on Puerto Rico has been pledged to cover the cost of re-certification para aquellos líderes que tengan un mínimo de 3 excursiones lideradas desde que se certificaron (este calendario cuenta) Contacto: Santiago Acevedo 787-983-4974
*Notas importantes para participantes de las excursiones: todo participante debe traer: agua, zapatos deportivos seguros, una capa, bloqueador solar, una gorra, gafas, meriendas y/o almuerzo y una mochila para llevar sus cosas. Es buena idea traer una cámara fotográfica, binoculares, un poco de dinero para cualquier comida y sus medicamentos necesarios. Ciertas excursiones requieren equipo adicional. Todos tienen que firmar un “Relevo de Responsabilidad” antes de participar en la excursión. Toda excursión requiere except a reservation, unless noted. Please arrive promptly at the scheduled time. Contact Information:
Trips Committee:
President: Santiago Acevedo. 787.292.6782 (787.983.4974 Cel)
Vice-Chair: Jose Menendez, 787.725.1898 (Cel 787-319-6629)
Sierra Club Office: Camilla
Feibelman, 787.688.6214, camilla.feibelman @
The Sierra Club and its 800,000 members, inspired by nature, work together to protect our communities and our planet.